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13 Dec.1846 JOSE FRANCISCO DURAN,single son of Jose Domingo Duran and Maria Soledad Lobato, Deceased, resident of the Plaza of Nuestra Senora de San Juan and native of Taos, With JUANA MARIA SANDOVAL. Single daughter of Nicolas Sandoval and Maria Ygnacia Martines, residents of the same place and native of Taos. Sponsors: Jose Del Espiritu Cordova and Maria Josefa Aragon del Rancho. Witnesses:Manuel Miera and Rafael Tafoya residents of San Fernando.
José Francisco Duran
JUAN ANTONIO DURAN Y MARIA JOSEFA RODRIGUEZ do not have a DM. They are mentioned in the DM of Juan Nicolas Duran DM NO.450.1791 Nov.8 (No.11) Santa Cruz age 24 son of Jose Antonio Duran Y Maria Josefa Rodriguez,and Gertrudis Quintana 18 of Cundiyo.D.of Juan Quintana and Juana Montoya,deceased.Wit:Felix Valerio 64,Juan Jose Abeyta 42,Both of Chimayo;Alonso Sandoval 54,Juan Domingo Montoya 44,both of Pueblo Quemado.
You are right,their parents are not listed in their marriage records and they are also not listed in the Bautismo of the 2 children,Nicolas Antonio Bapt 12-7-1747 and Olaya Antonia Bapt.2-11-1751.
I would surmise that they have other chidren baptised some where based on the marriage date June 28-29,1739 and the Baptism of Nicolas Antonio 12-7-1747 perhaps theY may mention the grandparents.I could not locate them [Juan Antonio and Maria Josefa] in the 1750 Census of Santa Fe.The ones that come close are listed as JOSSEPH DURAN;MARIA JOSSEPHA [no other information,No S.N.]
Following is the information from the 1860 Census as per your request.
1860 CENSUS Schedule 1-Free Inhabitants in the Precinct of Culebra, County of Taos,Territory of New Mexico. 17th day of July 1860. Pedro Valdez,Ass't Marshal.Page 204.
1820-1820 Pedro Antonio Duran Age 54 M Farmer Value Reaf Estate 1500 Value Personal Estate 3000 Born Taos County
Estefana Segura Age 56 F Born Rio Arriba County
Pascual Cordova Age 28 M Farm Laborer Born Taos Co
Elfego Duran Age 3 M Born Taos Co
Juana Duran Age 10 F " " "
Santiago Duran Age 5 M " " "
Electeria Quintana Age 40 F Born Taos Co Servant
Page 206: 1840-1840 Jose Rafael Duran Age 52 M Farm Laborer Value Personal Estate 50 Born Taos County
Estefana Madriel Age 40 F Born Rio Arriba Co
Francisca Duran Age 7 F Born Taos Co
Candelaria Duran Age 5 F " " "
Meregildo Duran Age 3 M " " "
Jose M.Duran Age 2 M " " "
Miguel Duran Age 40 M Farm Laborer Value Personal Estate 150 Born Taos County
Maria Dolores Duran Age 8 F Born Taos Co
Juan Benito Duran Age 5 M " " "
Jose Cresencio Duran Age 12 M " " "
Page 220: 1967-1967 Florencio Chavez Age 25 M Born Taos Co
Petra Duran Age 18 F " " "
1968-1968 Jose Ygnacio Chavez Age 40 M Born Taos Co
Manuela Velasquez Age 30 F Born Rio Arriba Co
Pantalion Duran Age 19 M Born Taos Co
Benigno Duran Age 13 M " " "
Eulogia Ruibal Age 56 F Born Santa Fe Co
Regarding your request for information on the DURAN'S Marriages Following is the information found.
PEDRO IGNACIO DURAN Y ANTONIA GERTRUDIS SANCHEZ:From the Book "The Quintana's." Volumes 5 and 6.By:Ida R.Foraci,Page 644-a.New Mexico Roots Ltd.By:Fray Angelico Chavez.Page 449.1787 Sept 21 (No.23) Santa Cruz.PEDRO IGNACIO DURAN,21,Espanol of El Carmen,son of Juan Duran and Maria Pacheco,and ANTONIA GERTRUDIS SANCHEZ,18,Espanola,Daughter of Juan Ignacio Sanchez and Pascuala Montes Vigil.Wits:Juan Antonio Esquibel 25;Antonio Varela 45;Juan Domingo Gonzales 54;Simon Martin 40,all Espanolas.
From Page 644,Same source:..*..Juan Antonio Duran born in 1740 at Santa Cruz,the son of Juan Antonio Duran and Maria Josefa Rodriguez;4-10-1763 he married Maria Antonia Pacheco,born circa 1742 at Santa Cruz and [she] died 11-17-1787,the Daughter of Ygnacio Pacheco and Maria Margarita Martin...* Note Juan Antonio Duran married twice.2nd wife Maria Ignacia Gonzales Daughter of Diego Gonzales and Elena Vigil.3-13-1788 Santa Cruz he was 45 From San Buenaventura de Chimayo and she was 40...Juan Antonio Duran and Maria Antonia Pacheco were PEDRO IGNACIO DURANS Parents.
From the Book "Taos Marriages 1770-1860."By:David Salazar and Bill Trujillo Sept 1994.Published By:The Genealogical Society Of Hispanic America-Southern Calif. Branch.
Book Of Taos Marriages M-39 Taos (Box 36) 1827-1833.Frame 695.3 Dec 1828 PEDRO YGNACIO DURAN,Viudo de Antonia Gertrudis Sanchez,Vecino del Varrio de San Francisco Del Rancho,Con MARIA YSIDORA TAFOYA,Viuda de Juan Nepomuceno Casillas,Vecina de la Jurisdicion de San Lorenzo de Picuris,Padrinos Ramon Rael y Antonia Teresa Vigil.Testigos:Juan Nicolas Duran Y Rafael Lovato,Vecinos Todos de San Fernando Y los demas Vecinos del Varrio de San Francisco del Rancho.
DOMINGO DURAN Y MARIA SOLEDAD LOVATO:From the Book "The Quintana's."Volumes 21 and 22,By:Ida R.Foraci.Page 1391-b1.Taos 4-30-1817 DOMINGO DURAN,son of Ignacio Duran Y De Antonia Sanchez,and SOLEDAD LOVATO,Daughter of Salvador Lobato and Candelaria Cordova.Wits:Juan Jose Dela Cruz y Ignacio Medina....Note Maria Soledad Baptised at Taos 1-13-1799.Her Padrinos were Juan Ignacio Sanchez and Pasquala Vigil.
From the above listed Taos Marriage book.Frame 24.7-6-1846 JOSE DOMINGO DURAN,Viudo de Maria Soledada Lobato Resident of La Plaza de Nuestra Senora De Guadalupe,with MARIA MANUELA VALDEZ,single daughter of Fernando Valdez Y De Damiana Medina,residents of San Francisco Del Rancho and Native of the Mission of Santa Clara.Sponsors Felipe Brito and Maria Barbara Lucero,residents of the Plaza of San Francisco del Rancho.Testigos:Manuel Miera and Maria_ _ _ Lucero,Residents of La Plaza de Nuestra Senora De Guadalupe.
JOSE FRANCISCO DURAN Y JUANA MARIA SANDOVAL.From the Book of Taos Marriages (Listed Above) M-41,Frame 51.12-13-1846 JOSE FRANCISCO DURAN,Single Son of Jose Domingo Duran Y De Maria Soledad Lobato,deceased,Resident of La Plaza De Nuestra Senora De San Juan and Native of Taos,With JUANA MARIA SANDOVAL,Singla Daughter of Nicolas Sandoval and Maria Ygnacia Martines,Residents of the Same Place and Natives of Taos.Sponsors:Jose Del Espiritu Santo Cordova Y Maria Josefa Aragon,del Rancho.Testigos:Manuel Miera and Rafael Tafoya,Residents of San Fernando.
JOSE FRANCISCO DURAN Son of Jose Domingo Duran Y Maria Soledad Lovato.JOSE DOMINGO DURAN Son of Pedro Ygnacio Duran And Antonia Gertrudis Sanchez.PEDRO YGNACIO DURAN Son of Juan Antonio Duran Y Maria Antonia Pacheco.JUAN ANTONIO DURAN was the Son of JUAN ANTONIO DURAN Y MARIA JOSEFA RODRIGUEZ.
From the book "Taos Baptisms 1701-1852."By:Thomas D.Martinez.Page 149.
JOSE FRANCISCO DURAN Bapt 10-6-1823,Father Domingo Duran,Mother Maria Soledad Lobato.PGP:Ygnacio Duran Y Maria Antonia Sanchez.MGP:Salbador Lobato Y Maria Candelaria Cordova.Pads:Pablo Lujan Y Josefa Trujillo.
After reviewing the information I sent prior I find that I inadvertently left out some information on EUCRIDES LOVATO,Wife of Ruben Martin;She was the daughter of Juan (Jose) Roman Lovato and Maria Josefa Ortega.Juan (Jose) Roman Lovato was the son of Juan de Jesus Lovato and Maria Luisa Chacon.(Maria Luisa Chacon was the sister of Rafael Chacon The Civil War Captain from Chamisal). Maria Luisa Chacon was the daughter of Albino Chacon and Maria Refugio Secundina Lopez.Maria Josefa Ortega,wife of Juan (Jose) Roman Lovato,was the daughter of Jose Miguel Ortega and Maria Severina Dominguez.
MARIA RASIMOS ROMERO wife of Ramon Martin,was the daughter of Jose Eulogio Romero and Maria De Los Dolores DeHerrera.Jose Eulogio Romero and Maria De Los Dolores DeHerrera Married In The Picuris Church Nov 5,1862.
1870 Census Schedule 1-Inhabitants in The Town of Chamisal,County of Taos,Territory of New Mexico.14th Day of July 1870.Juan Santistevan,Ass't Marshal. Page 4.
33-33 Romero,Eulogio Age 31 M W Farmer Value Of Real Estate 100 Born Terr.NM
Dolores Age 24 F W Keeping House Born Territory of NM
Rasimos Age 6 F W Born Territory of New Mexico
Daniel Age 3 M W Born Territory of New Mexico
Cruz Age 1 F W Born Territory of New Mexico
1880 Census Schedule 1-Inhabitants in Chamisal,County Of Taos,Territory of New Mexico.5th and 7th day of June 1880.James S.Sterling,Enumerator.
35-38 Romero,Eulogio W M Age 39 Laborer
Dolores W F Age 28 Wife Keeping House
Maria Racimo W F Age 13 Daughter
Daniel W M Age 10 Son
Samuel W M Age 3 Son
Regarding your request for assistance in locating information on your DEONISIO DURAN Family,following is the information found in Taos,Rio Arriba and Santa Fe Counties.
...I-DEONISIO DURAN y BERSABEL ORTIZ.Deonisio Duran was the son of II-ROMAN DURAN and Maria Dolores Roybal.BERSABEL ORTIZ was the daughter of Feliz (Felix) Ortiz and Maria Luisita Romero.Feliz Ortiz was the son of Jose Andres Esquipula Ortiz y de Maria Esquipula Vigil.Jose Andres Esquipula Ortis was the son of Juan Jose Ortis y de Maria Paula Guadalupe Martines.Juan Jose Ortiz was the son of Manuel Ortiz y Margarita Vigil.Maria Esquipula Vigil was the daughter of Cleto Vigil y Maria Ygnacia Abeyta.MARIA PAULA GUADALUPUE MARTIN Baptised En Santa Cruz dela Canada 3-10-1783 was the daughter of Salvador Martin y de Maria Manuela Trujillo.Salvador de Orta Martin son of Antonio de Jesus Martin and Ana Maria Dominguez married Maria Manuela Trujillo,the daughter of Pablo Manuel Trujillo in Santa Cruz Dela Canada 2-26-1756.Antonio De Jesus Martin was the son of Cristobal Martin Serrano and Antonia De Moraga.Cristobal Martin Serrano was the son of Hernan Martin Serrano II.
MARIA LUISA ROMERO was the daughter of Jose Francisco Romero y de Maria Trinidad Sena.Jose Francisco Romero was the son of Juan Cristobal Romero and Maria Francisca Baca.Juan Cristobal Romero was the son of Manuel Salvador Romero and Maria Ramona Torres.Manuel Salvador Romero was the son of Julian Antonio Torres y de Ana Teresa Montoya.Julian Antonio Romero and Ana Teresa Montoya Married in San Cruz Dela Canada the 11th Day of Feb.1770.For more details refer to the Book "Familia De Alice Romero Vidaurre."By:Alberto Vidaurre.
...II-ROMAN DURAN y MARIA DOLORES ROYBAL.Roman Duran was the son of III-JUAN ANTONIO DURAN y de Maria Rafaela Sanchez.Maria Dolores Roybal was the daughter of Tomas Roybal and Maria Dela Cruz Martin.
...III-JUAN ANTONIO DURAN y MARIA RAFAELA SANCHEZ.Juan Antonio Duran was the son of IV-JOSE RAFAEL DURAN y de Maria Lugarda Romero.Maria Rafaela Sanchez was the daughter of Juan Ygnacio Sanchez y de Maria Juana Lujan.Juan Ygnacio Sanchez was the son of Juan Roque Sanchez y de Maria Rita Maestas.Maria Juana Lujan was the daughter of Antonio Lujan y de Maria Rafaela Miera.Juan Roque Sanchez was the son of Bernardo Sanchez y de Maria Barbara Gallegos.Maria Rita Maestas was the daughter of Juan Mestas y de Maria Martin.For more details refer to the book "Mi Gente La Familia De Ofelia Lobato."By:Alberto Vidaurre.
...IV-JOSE RAFAEL DURAN y MARIA LUGARDA ROMERO.Jose Rafael Duran was the son of V-JUAN YGNACIO DURAN y de Maria Rafaela Romero.
...V-JUAN YGNACIO DURAN y MARIA RAFAELA ROMERO.Juan Ygnacio Duran was the son of VI-BLAS DURAN y de MELCHORA DELA TORRES.MARIA RAFAELA ROMERO was the daughter of unknown.Rafael Romero was the son of Juan Jose Manuel Romero y de Lugarda Hurtado.Encarnacion Gonzales was the daughter of Christoval Gonzales y de Maria Rosa Suazo.
II-ROMAN DURAN y MARIA DOLORES ROYBAL.Microfilm Reel # 50A AASF,Penasco Marriages.11 de Enero 1890.Sin Amonest.CASE a ROMAN DURAN,Soltero Hijo Legitimo de Juan Antonio Duran y de Maria Rafaela Sanchez,Con,MARIA DOLORES RUYBAL,Soltera Hija Legitima de Tomas Ruybal y de Maria Martin.Padrinos:Juan Policrpio Romero y Maria Rosalia Griego.Signed:(Priest)F.Guyot
I'll list the first entry verbatim and the others with only the names of the Padrinos and Child Baptised and the date:
III-JUAN ANTONIO DURAN y MARIA RAFAELA SANCHEZ.From the book "San Juan Delos Caballeros Baptisms 1726-1870."By:Thomas D.Martinez.Page 125.
1-Jose Vidal Duran Bapt 2-5-1853,5 days old.Father Juan Antonio Duran,Mother Maria Rafaela Sanchez,Vecinos de El Embudo.Paternal Grandparents:Jose Rafael Duran y Lugarda Romero.Maternal Grandparents:Juan Ygnacio Duran y Maria Juana Lujan.Padrinos:Teodoro Esquivel y Maria Dela Luz Sanchez.
2-Jose Eutemio Duran Bapt 12-24-1854,4 days old.Pads:Jose Francisco Duran y Maria Matilde Lopez.
From the book New Mexico Mission De San Lorenzo De Picuris Baptisms 1750-1867." By:Betty Pacheco.Extracted from the LDS Microfilm Reel # 016868.
3-Maria Gavina Sanchez Bapt 10 Feb 1857,Father Juan Antonio Duran,Mother Maria Rafaela Sanches.Pads:Nicolas Martin y Maria Librada Sanchez,Vecinos del Penasco.
4-Maria Leonor Sanchez Bapt 22 Jan 1860,8 days old.Pads:Francisco Romero y Patricia Sanchez,Vecinos del Penasco.
5-Jose Librado Sanchez Bapt 20 July 1862,4 days old.Pads:Encarnacion Medina,Vecinos Del Rio Lucio.
6-Antonio Jose Duran Bapt 4 Sept 1864.Pads:Jose de Jesus Lujan y Maria Dolores Lujan.
7-Habram Duran Bapt 18 Mar 1867,5 days old.Pads:Pablo Antonio Cordova y Dolores Cordova.
IV-JOSE RAFAEL DURAN y MARIA LUGARDA ROMERO From the book "San Juan Delos Caballeros Baptisms 1726-1870.:By Thomas D. Martinez.Page 125.
1-Maria Del Refugio Duran Bapt 5-15-1832,Born 5-12.Father Jose Rafael Duran,Mother Lugarda Romero,Vecinos Del Embudo.Paternal Grandparents:Juan Ygnacio Duran y Rafaela Romero.Maternal Grandparents:Rafael Romero y Encarnacion Gonzales.Pdrinos:Juan Andres Duran y Maria Dolores Varela.
2-Juan Antonio Duran Bapt 7-5-1830,Born 7-18.Pads:Juan Ygnacio Duran y Micaela Duran.
3-Jose Francisco Duran Bapt 4-27-1834,Born 4-25.Pad:Jose Ramon Dominguez.
V-JUAN YGNACIO DURAN y MARIA RAFAELA ROMERO From the book "San Juan Delos Caballeros Baptisms 1726-1870."By:Thomas D.Martinez Pages 126 and 127.
1-Maria Micaela Duran Bapt 2-19-1809,Born 2-15,Father Juan Ygnacio Duran,Mother Maria Rafaela Romero,Vecinos dela Joya.Paternal Grandparents:Blas Duran y Melchora Dela Torre.Maternal Grandparents:Unknown.Padrinos:Diego Sisneros y Maria Rosa Garcia.
2-Maria Micaela Duran Bapt 11-30-1810,Born 11-26.Pads:Manuel Antonio Martin y Concepcion Rodarte.
3-Jose Ygnacio Duran Bapt 7-30-1816,Born 7-26.Vecinos Dela Canoa.Pads:Felipe Valdez y Magdalena Gonzales.
A.Maria Del Refugio Duran Bapt 11-2-1844,6 days old,Father Jose Ygnacio Duran,Mother Antonia Romero,Vecinos de El Embudo.Paternal Grandparents:Juan Ygnacio Duran y Rafaela Romero.Maternal Grandparents:Rafael Romero y Encarnacion Gonzales.Pads:Francisco Martin y Francisca Pacheco.
B.Jose Alvino Duran Bapt 12-30-1846,5 days old.Pads:Francisco Martin y Maria Dela Luz Martin.
C.Jose Manuel Duran Bapt 7-29-1852,11 days old.Pads:Juan Andres Duran y Dolores Varela.
4-Mauricio Duran Bapt 10-4-1818,Born 9-21.Pads:Jose Gabriel Montano de San Antonio y Maria Rosa Garcia de La Joya.
A.Juan Ygnacio Duran Bapt 12-21-1847,8 days old,Father Mauricio Duran,Mother Maria Teodora Lopez,Vecinos Del Embudo.Paternal Grandparents:Juan Ygnacio Duran Y Rafaela Romero.Maternal Grandparents Antonio Jose Lopez y Rosa (Rodriguez) Martinez.Padrinos:Santiago Quintana y Maria Del Carmen Duran.
B.Benito Quinto Duran bapt 2-17-1850,5 days old.Pads:Julian Gonzales y Ana Maria Gonzales.
C.Maria Dela Paz Duran Bapt 1-28-1851,6 days old.Pads:Pablo Romero y Manuela Maestas.
From the book -San Lorenzo de Picuris Baptisms 1750-1867-By:Betty Pacheco,Listed Prior:
D.Maria Gertrudis Duran Bapt 15 Nov 1853,Father Mauricio Duran,Mother Maria Teodora Lopes.PGP:Juan Ygnacio Duran y Rafaela Espinosa-?-MGP:Antonio Jose Lopes y Maria Rosa Martines.Pads:Juan Antonio Sanches y Maria Librada Sanches,Vecinos de San Antonio Del Penasco.
E.Jose Deciderio Bapt 5 Apr 1857.(PGMother listed as Rafaela Romero).Pads:Juan Dela Cruz DeHerrera y Maria Del Refugio Montoya,Vecinos Del Chamisal.
F.Jose Perfecto Duran Bapt 21 Nov 1859,4 days old.Pads:Juan Antonio Duran Y Rafaela Sanches,Vecinos Del Penasco.
G.Maria Rosa Duran Bapt 4 Sept 1862,4 days old.Pads:Jose Ygnacio Duran y Maria Antonia Romero,Vecinos Del Chamisal.
H.Jose Rafael Duran Bapt 9 July 1865,4 days old.Pads:Francisco Griego y Annacleta Mestas.
6-Maria Antonia Duran Bapt 4-8-1823,Born 4-5.Pads:Jose Matias Medina y Ana Maria Valdez.
VI-BLAS DURAN y MELCHORA DELA TORRES From the book "New Mexico Marriages Church in San Juan Pueblo 1726-1776,1831-1855 and Church In Santa Clara Pueblo 1726- 1832."Extracted By:M.Eloise Arellanes,Compiled By:Margaret Leonard Windham and Evelyn Lujan Baca.Published By:The New Mexico Genealogical Society.
From Microfilm Reel # 29 AASF,Frame 404.10 Oct 1764 BALAS DURAN,Spanish of Ojo Caliente,marrying MARGARITA MELCHORA DELA TORRE,Spanish,dela Canoa;GP⁄Antonio Garcia Dela Mora y Manuela Garcia dela Mora.
Following are BLAS DURAN and MARIA MELCHORA DELA TORRES children,from the book "San Juan Delos Caballeros Baptisms 1726-1870."By:Thomas D.Martinez,Page 123.
I'll list the first entry verbatim and the others with only the dates Baptised, Child's and Padrinos Names.
1-Baltazar Antonio Duran Baptised 1-6-1766,Father Blas Duran,Mother Maria Melchora Dela Torres.Padrinos:Nicolas Lucero y Gertrudis Sanchez.
2-Mateo Rafael Duran Bapt 9-28-1768,Born 9-21,Espanol.Vecino dela Canoa.Pads: Juan Roybal y Angela Martin.
3-Luis Maria Duran Bapt 9-10-1775.Pads:Eusebio Antonio Martin y Maria Antonia Armigo.
4-Maria Ysabel Rafaela Duran Bapt.11-26-1789,Born 11-20.Vecinos Del Bosque.Pads: Pedro Garcia y Dona Apolonia Sandoval.
5-Pedro Jose Duran,Bapt 2-26-1783,Born 2-22.Pads:Antonio Jose Lobato y Margarita Martin.
6-Maria Ysabel Duran (Twin) Bapt 2-27-1785,Born 2-23.Pads:Ventura Esquivel y Maria Martin.
7-Maria Margarita Duran (Twin) Bapt 2-27-1785,Born 2-23.Pads:Ventura Esquivel y Maria Martin.
8-Jose Francisco Duran Bapt 10-22-1786,Born 10-20.Pads:Juan Cristoval Lucero y Maria Rita Lucero.
A.Mariano de Jesus Duran Bapt 7-26-1827,Father Jose Francisco Duran,Mother Maria de Guadalupe Duran.Paternal Grandparents:Blas Duran y Maria Melchora dela Torres.Maternal GrandParents:Diego Antonio Duran y Maria Francisca Suazo. Padrinos:Gregorio Lucero y Maria Manuela Martin.
B.Jose Julian Bapt 10-24-1832,Born 10-22,Vecinos del Embudo.Pads:Juan Antonio Borrego y Maria Manuela Rael.
C.Jose Eugenio Duran Bapt 1-27-1835,Born 1-16.Pads:Jose de Jesus Esquivel y Juan dela Cruz Maestas.
D.Ramon Duran Bapt 5-1-1836,Born 4-28.Pads:Jose Manuel Garcia y Carmen Rael.
E.Maria Del Rosario Duran Bapt 9-17-1842,8 days old.Pads:Jose Manuel Trujillo y Juan Gertrudis Trujillo.Padrinos de La Plaza de Los Angles.
F.Maria Del Rosario Duran Bapt 2-23-1845,5 days old.Pads:Juan de Jesus Arellano y Rafaela Cordova.
9-Juana Manuela Duran Bapt 6-1-1771,4 days old.Pads:Vicente Lujan y Maria Manuela Gomez.
Jose Andres Esquipula Ortiz y Maria Esquipula Vigil Parents of Feliz (Felix) Ortiz and Grandparents of I-BERSABEL ORTIZ wife of Deonicio Duran.Had the following children's baptisms recorded in San Lorenzo de Picuris.From the book "New Mexico Mission San Lorenzo De Picuris Baptisms 1750-1867."By Betty Pacheco.
1-Jose Bartolo Roman Ortis Bapt 5 Jan 1851,son of Esquipula Ortis y de Maria Esquipula Vigil.PGP;Juan Jose Ortis y Paula Martines.MGP:Cleto Vigil y Maria Ynasia Abeyta.Pads:Jose Antonio Sandobal y Maria Gregoria Montolla,Vecinos de San Antonio Del Penasco.
2-Maria Benina Ortis Bapt 21 Mar 1855.Pads:Felipe Fernandes y Maria Apolonia Maese,Vecinos de San Antonio Del Penasco.
3-Jose Gregorio Ortis Bapt 25 May 1857.Pads:Jose Duran y Maria Del Refugio Duran,Vecinos Del Penasco.
4-Maria Eulogia Ortiz Bapt 2 April 1861.Pads:Pedro Antonio Lusero y Maria Tomasa Santistevan,Vecinos De San Antonio Del Penasco.
5-Maria Petra Ortiz Bapt 18 Jan 1862,2 days old.Pads:Juaquin Lopes y Maria Guadalupe Sena.
Following information comes from the books "THE QUINTANA'S."By:Ida R.Foraci. Volumes 9,10,13 and 14.Pages 821 to 821-a3 and 1050 to 1054.
BERSABEL ORTIZ Wife of Deonicio Duran,daughter of Felix Ortiz,Grand-daughter of Jose Andres Esquipula Ortiz and Great-Grand-Daughter of Maria Paula Guadalupe Martin,spouse of Juan Jose Ortiz (Married 4-3-1810).Maria Paula Guadalupe Martin was the daughter of Salvador de Orta Martin and Maria Manuela Trujillo.Salvador de Orta Martin and Maria Manuela Trujillo married in Santa Clara 2-26-1756. Salvador was the son of Antonio de Jesus Martin the son of Cristobal Martin Serrano and Antonia De Morga.Antonio de Jesus Martin married Ana Maria Dominguez in Santa Fe 5-12-1717.Ana Maria Dominguez was the widow of Pedro de Moya who had died at Taos about 5 months prior.Cristobal Martin Serrano in 1681 was 26 years old,the son of Hernan Martin Serrano II and unknown mother.Cristobal Martin Serrano returned for the reconquest in 1693.Cristobal Martin Serrano's wife was Antonia de Moraga,the daughter of Juan de Moraga and Maria Montano.Juan de Moraga was the son of Diego de Moraga and Juana Bernal (Griego) His wife Maria Montana was the daughter of Lucas Montano and Sebastiana Lopez de Garcia.Hernan Martin Serrano II passed muster after the 1680 revolt as a Captain more than 80 years old. was the son of Hernan Martin Serrano and Juana Rodriguez.Hernan Martin Serrano a native of city of Zacatecas and his wife Juana Rodriguez came as part of the Original ONATE Colonists in 1598,he is listed as Sargento.He was one of the 25 Soldiers who did not Desert San Gabriel and flee back to Mexico in September or October 1601.By 1626 Captain Hernan Martin Serrano 70 years old,is considered an ancient Settler and Resident of Santa Fe.He and Juana Rodriguez had two sons and a daughter.For more details refer to the book "La Familia Martinez."By:Alberto Vidaurre
MARIA DOLORES ROYBAL,Hija de JOSE TOMAS ROYBAL y de Maria Dela Cruz Martinez. Jose Tomas Roybal Hijo de PABLO ROYBAL y de Maria Dolores Lopes.Pablo Roybal Hijo de ANDRES ROYBAL y de Ana Maria Griego.
From the book New Mexico Mission de San Lorenzo De Picuris Baptisms 1750-1867." By:Betty Pacheco.Extracted from LDS Microfilm Reel # 016868.Page 486.
20 April 1851 MARIA DOLORES,5 days old,Daughter of Tomas Ribal and Cruz Martines PGP:Pablo Ribal and Dolores Lopes.MGP:Rafaela Martin and Manuela Pais.Pads: Casimiro Romero and Ana Maria Gonsales,Vecinos del Penasco.
PABLO ROYBAL y MARIA DOLORES LOPEZ.The following information is from the book "San Juan Delos Caballeros Baptisms 1726-1870."By:Thomas D.Martinez.Page 250.
1-ROYBAL,JOSE TOMAS Bapt 3-8-1825,Born 3-5.Father Pablo Roybal,Mother Maria Dolores Lopes.Paternal Grandparents:Andres Roybal y Ana Maria Griego.Maternal Grandparents:Antonio Jose Lopes y Barbara Anaya.Pads:Jose Miguel Trujillo y Gertrudis Labadie.
2-Roybal,Pedro Antonio Bapt 7-1-1827.
3-Roybal,Albino De Guadalupe Bapt 2-22-1829.Pads:Don Miguel Quintana y Dona Teodora Sisneros.
4- Esquipula Roybal...4-A.Page 548.26 May 1854 Maria Dela Ascencion Rodarte,Father Esquipula Roybal,Mother Maria Juana Martinez.PGP:Pablo Roybal Y Maria Dolores Lopes.MGP:Rafael Martines y Maria Manuela Paiz.Pads:Jose de Jesus Duran y Maria Dolores Vigil.Vecinos del San Antonio del Penasco....Note..Esquipula Roybal and Tomas Roybal were brother that Married Sisters,Maria Juana Martinez and Maria Dela Cruz Martinez .
From the book "New Mexico Marriages Church in San Juan Pueblo 1726-1776,1831- 1855 And Church in Santa Clara Pueblo 1726-1832."Extracted By:M.Eloise Arellanes,Compiled By:Margaret Leonard Windham and Evelyn Lujan Baca.Published By:The New Mexico Genealogical Society.
Page 21.Microfilm Reel # 29 AASF,Frame 449.30 Nov 1831.Jose Francisco Torres,Single son of Jose Bernardo Torres y de Maria Gertrudis Jaques,de Ojo Caliente,marrying MARIA MANUELA ROYBAL,Single daughter of Pablo Roybal,Deceased,and Maria Dolores Lopez,Residents of El Guique.Pads:Mariano Sanchez and his Step-daughter (Name not listed),who also served as Witnesses.With Sacristan Juan Pedro Garcia. San Rafael.
Page 38,Microfilm Reel # 29 AASF,Frame 524 and 525.12 Jan 1846 Pedro Antonio Ruibal,Single son of Pablo Ruibal and Dolores Lopez,marrying Maria Locadia Garcia,Single daughter of Asencion Garcia and Maria Josefa Tafoya of San Juan.Wits:Antonio de Jesus Lopes and Juan de Jesus Sisneros.
ANDRES ROYBAL Y ANA MARIA GRIEGO,From the book "New Mexico Marriages Santa Fe-St.Francis Parish and Military Chapel Of Our Lady Of Light (La Castrensa) 1728-1857."Extracted By:Marie J.Roybal and Lila Armigo Pfeufer,Compiled By: Margaret Leonard Windham and Evelyn Lujan Baca.Published By:The New Mexico Genealogical Society.
Page 32,Microfilm Reel # 31 AASF,Frame 92.6 Feb 1763 ANDRES ROYBAL marrying MARIA GRIEGO.Wits:Joseph Pacheco and Phelipe Apodaca.
From the book "Santa Fe Baptisms 1747-1851."By:Thomas D.Martinez,Page 488.
Maria Josepha Roybal Bapt 1-21-1770,Father Andres Roybal,Mother Ana Maria Griego.Pads:Felipe Sandoval y Josefa Baca.
From New Mexico Roots LTD.By:Fray Angelico Chavez.Page 1630.1798 June 7 (No.1),Albuquerque.MATIAS ROYBAL (34),of San Ildefonso Parish.Son of Andres Roybal and Ana Maria Griego,and MARIA CARMEN CHAVES of Alameda,Daughter of Juan Miguel Chaves and Maria Guadalupe Gutierrez.Wits:Antonio Jose Apodaca (57),Juan Pablo Herrera (47).
MARIA DOLORES ROYBAL wife of ROMAN DURAN was the daughter of Maria Dela Cruz Martines and Thomas Roybal.From the book mentioned before San Lorenzo de Picuris Baptisms 1750-1867,by Betty Pacheco.Page 258.Maria Antonia Dela Crus Martin Bapt 9 May 1832,Daughter of Rafael Martin and Maria Manuela Pais.PGP:Felis Martin and Ygnacia Gonzales.MGP:Francisco Pais and Candelaria Martin.Pads:Manuel Francisco Trugillo and Maria Ygnacia Medina.The following information from the book "La Familia Martinez."By:Alberto Vidaurre.Maria A.Dela Cruz Martin Grand-Daughter of Feliz (Felix) Martin (Mentioned in the Abstract of The Santa Barbara Land Grant The United States Court Of Private Land Claims..Nepomucino Martinez Et Als.Vs. United States) Felix Martin was the son of VALENTIN MARTIN and Maria Leonarda Torres.Maria Leonarda Torres was the daughter of Marcial De Torres y de Maria Lujan.Marcial Torres was killed by the Comanches in the Taos Valley and several family members taken Captive in 1760.Maria Leonarda Torres was the Grand- Daughter of Diego de Torres and Rosa de Varela.Great-Grand-Daughter of Captain Cristobal Torres and Angela de Leyva.Angela de Leyva was the daughter of Jose de Leyva de Navares y de Juana Fresqui.Juana Fresqui was killed in the 1860 Pueblo Revolt and her two daughters taken captives.The oldest daughter seems to have been Angela de Leyva found at San Juan Pueblo in 1692,who became the wife of Cristobal Torres...VALENTIN MARTIN one of the Original Grantees of La Merced De Santa Barbara was the son of Juan Francisco Martin Serrano y de Maria Paula Villalpando.Juan Francisco Martin Serrano was the son of Francisco "El Ciego" Martin Serrano and Casilda Contrares.Francisco "El Ciego" Martin Serrano was one of the Grantees of The Embudo Land Grant.He was the son of Pedro Martin Serrano Y Salazar and Juana De Arguello.Pedro Martin Serrano Y Salazar was the son of Luis Martin Serrano and Catalina de Salazar.Luis Martin Serrano was the son of Hernan Martin Serrano and Juana Rodriguez.
From the book" New Mexico Spanish and Mexican Colonial Censuses 1790-1823-1845." Translated and Compiled By:Virginia Langham Olmsted,G.R.S.Published By:The New Mexico Genealogical Society.
Spanish Census of 1790,Province Of New Mexico.Spanish Archives of New Mexico,Microfilm Reel # 12,Frame 492.Spaniards in the Jurisdiction of San Juan.
193 Juan Cristo Duran,C,25,Day Laborer;m. Gertrudis Pacheco,M.24:1 Son:1.
194 Blas Duran,S.48,Farmer;m. Melchora dela Torre,S.46;5 Sons: 20,13,7,4,1;1 Daughter:11.
198 Francisco Xavier Duran,S.38,Farmer;m. Ana Maria Rodrigues,S,35;3 Daughters: 7,4,2.
201 Luis Duran,S.52,Farmer;m. Antonia Rodrigues,S.30;2 Sons:7,4.
From the book "Spanish and Mexican Censuses Of New Mexico 1750-1830."Compiled By:Virginia Langham Olmsted,C.G.Published By:The New Mexico Genealogical Society
1816 CENSUS Of La Canoa:
Juan Ygnacio Duran,40;Wife,Maria Rafaela Romero,30;Children:Juan Andres,16;Jose Rafael,12;Maria Micaela,5;Maria Rita,4;Josef Ygnacio,1.
Blas Duran,70;Wife,Melchora De La Torre,64;Children:Luis,40;Josef Francisco,27.
1850 New Mexico Territorial Census Volume III.Taos,San Miguel Counties.By:The New Mexico Genealogical Society.Taos County:Page 100,Sheet 194,31 Dec 1850.
Ruibal,Tomas * Age 25 M NM
Martin,Maria Dela Cruz * Age 16 F NM
Note * Indicates Married Within The Year
1860 Census Schedule 1-Free Inhabitants in the Precinct Of El Llano,County of Taos,Territory of New Mexico.July and August 1860.Pedro Valdez,Ass't Marshal.
2585-2585 Jose Andres E.Ortiz Age 36 M Laborer Value Personal Estate 49 Born Rio Arriba County.
Maria Esquipula Vigil Age 30 F Born Rio Arriba County
Juana Antonia Ortiz Age 10 F Born Rio Arriba County
Bartolo Ortiz Age 8 M Born Taos County
Higinio Ortiz Age 6 M Born Taos County
Gregorio Ortiz Age 2 M Born Taos County
Ygnaci_ _ _ _ Ortiz Age 3⁄12 ? Born Taos County
Benigna Ortiz Age 6 F Born Taos County
Paula Martinez Age 76 F Born Rio Arriba County
2624-2624 Tomas Ruibal Age 39 M Farm Laborer Value Personal Estate 100 Born Rio Arriba County
Maria Dela C.Martinez Age 30 F Born Taos County
Jose Isac Roibal Age 5 M Born Taos County
Jose Francisco Roibal Age 3 M Born Taos County
Maria Teofila Roibal Age 5⁄12 F Born Taos County
2626-2626 Jose Rafael Duran Age 58 M Farmer Value Real Estate 600 Value Personal Estate 700 Born Rio Arriba County
Lugarda Gonzales Age 50 F Born Rio Arriba County
Francisco Duran Age 23 M Farm Laborer Born Rio Arriba County
2627-2627 Juan Antonio Duran Age 36 M Farmer Value Real Estate 400 Value Personal Estate 800 Born Rio Arriba County
Rafaela Sanchez Age 24 F Born Taos County
Vidal Duran Age 8 M Born Taos County
Gabina Duran Age 3 F Born Taos County
B _ _ _Duran Age 6⁄12 M Born Taos County
Tomasa Duran Age 15 F Born Taos County Servant
1870 Census Schedule 1.Inhabitants in The Town of Penasco,County of Taos,Territory of New Mexico.15th Day of July 1870.Juan Santistevan,Ass't Marshal.Page 1.
2-2 Duran,Jose I. Age 52 M W Farmer Value Real Estate 150 Value Personal Estate 100 Born Territory Of NM
Dolores Age 40 F W Keeping House
A.Abad Age 23 M W Farm Laborer
Carmel Age 17 F W At Home
Francisco Age 14 M W Farm Laborer
Monico Age 8 M W
_ulina Age 7 F W
Ysabel Age 5 F W
Josefa Age 5 F W
3-3- Royval,Tomas Age 40 M W Farm Laborer Born Territory of NM
Cruz Age 25 F W Keeping House Born Territory of NM
Ysaac Age 13 M W Farm Laborer
Francisco Age 11 M W At Home
Teofila Age 9 F W
Maria De Jesus Age 6 F W
Lizardo Age 4 M W
Marina Age 5⁄12 F W
Page 3.
22-22 Ortiz,Esquipula Age 55 M W Farmer Value Real Estate 200
Esquipula Age 35 F W Keeping House
Higinio Age 18 M W Farm Laborer
Benigna Age 14 F W At Home
Gregorio Age 12 M W At Home
Eulogia Age 10 F W
Andres Age 5 M W
1880 Census Schedule 1-Inhabitants in Penasco,County Of Taos,Territory of New Mexico.24th Day of June 1880.James S.Sterling,Enumerator.
345-356 Martin,Esquipula W M Age 25 Laborer
Eulogia W F Age 18 Keeping House Wife
346-356 Ortiz,Esquipula W M Age 54 Laborer
Maria E. W F Age 24 Keeping House Wife
Gregorio W M Age 22 Laborer Son
Paubla W F Age 13 Daughter
FELIX W M Age 10 Son
Manuela W F Age 9 Daughter
347-357 Reel,Rafael W M Age 24 Laborer
Benina W F Age 18 Keeping House Wife
352-363 Roibal,Tomas W M Age 58 Laborer
Cruz W F Age 36 Keeping House Wife
Francisco W M Age 20 Laborer Son
Teofila W F Age 18 At Home Daughter
Maria Jesus W F Age 16 At Home Daughter
Lizardo W M Age 13 Laborer Son
Marina W F Age 11 At Home Daughter
Benito W M Age 7 Son
DOLORES W F Age 6 Daughter
Maximiana W F Age 4 Daughter
353-364 Cordova,Dolores W F Age 50 Widowed Keeping House
Montoya,Lorenzo W M Age 24 GD-Son Laborer
Cordova,Francisca W F Age 10 Gd-Daughter
356-367 Duran,Dolores W F Age 58 Widow Keeping House
Francisco W M Age 22 Laborer Son
Monico W M Age 19 Laborer Son
Dulcinia W F Age 13 At Home Daughter
Isabel W F Age 14 At Home Daughter
Josefa W F Age 14 At Home Daughter
357-368 Duran,Antonio W M Age 30 Laborer
Alcaria W F Age _8 Keeping House Wife
Elena W F Age 3 Daughter
1900 Census Shedule No.1-Population Penasco,Precinct No.10,County Of Taos,Territory of New Mexico.8th Day of June 1900.Jose J.Lucero,Enumerator.
130-138 Ortiz,Felix Head W M May 1868 Age 32 Married 10 Years Day Laborer
Luisa Wife W F Aug 1875 Age 24 M-10 Yrs 4 Children Born 3 Living
Benito Son W M Mar 1895 Age 6
Alfonso Son W M Apr 1897 Age 3
Corina Daughter W F Apr 1900 Age 1⁄2
173-181 Ruibal,Tomas Head W M Feb 1830 Age 70 Married 50 Years Farm Laborer
Cruz Wife W F Apr 1840 Age 60 M-50 Yrs13 Children Born 9 Living
Marina Daughter W F Nov 1886 Age 23 Single
Duran,Evangelina G-Daughter W F Feb 1892 Age 8
Mascarenas,Maclovio G-Son W M Dec 1893 Age 6
1900 Census Schedule No.1-Population Penasco Precinct No.10 Rio Lucio Village,County Of Taos,Territory of New Mexico.6th Day of June 1900.Jose J.Lucero,Enumerator.
91-91 Duran,Roman Head W M Jan 1867 Age 31 Married 11 Years Farm Laborer
Dolores Wife W F Feb 1875 Age 25 M 11 Yrs 6 Children Born 6 Living
Bangelina Daughter W F Feb 1891 Age 9
Enesimo Son W M Feb 1892 Age 8
Francisquita Daugh W F Nov 1893 Age 6
Serapio Son W M Sept 1894 Age 5
Dionisio Son W M Mar 1896 Age 4
Seferina Daughter W F Feb 1899 Age 1
1910 Census Population in Penasco Precinct 10 Picuris Pueblo Grant,County Of Taos,Territory of New Mexico.5th Day of May 1910.Manuel Cordova,Enumerator.
234-234 Royval,Maria D. Head F W Age 70 Widowed 12 Children Born 8 Living
Marina Daughter F W Age 36 Single Farm Laborer Home Farm
Duran,Evangelina Grand Daughter F W Age 18
Mascarenas,Maclovio Grand Son M W Age 16 Farm Laborer Home Farm
204-204 Ortiz,Felix Head M W Age 40 Married 1-18 Years Laborer Rail Road
Luisa Wife F W Age 39 M-1 18 Yrs 5 Children Born 4 Living
Benito Son M W Age 14 Single Farm Laborer
Alfonzo Son M W Age 11
Corina Daughter F W Age 10
Bersabe Daugh F W Age 7
1910 Census Population in Penasco Precinct 10,Rio Lucio,County of Taos,Territory of New Mexico.27th Day of April 1910.Manuel Cordova,Enumerator.
129-129 Duran,Roman Head M W Age 38 M-1 19 Years Farmer
Doloritas Wife F W Age 34 M-1 19 Yrs 8 Children Born 8 Living
Onicimo Son M W Age 16 Single
Francisquita Daugh F W Age 15 Single
Cirapuio Son M W Age 12
Dionicio Son M W Age 10
Seferina Daugh F W Age 8
Rosana Daugh F W Age 6
Maria Daugh F W Age 3
130-130 Duran,Rafaelita Head F W Age 60 Widowed 10 Childen Born 4 Living Maximiano Grand-Son M W Age 21 Single Laborer Odd Jobs
1920 Census Population in Penasco 10,County of Taos,State Of New Mexico.7th and 8th Day of January 1920.Marcos Abreu,Enumerator.
19-20 Ortiz,Feliz Head M W Age 50 Married Farmer
M.Gomisinda Wife F W Age 44 Married
Benito Son M W Age 22 Single Laborer
Bersabel Daughter F W Age 16 Single
Griego,Benjamin Step-Son M W Age 19 Single Laborer
Primativa Step-Daughter F W Age 17 Single
Virgilio Step-Son M W Age 12
Laurita Step-Daughter F W Age 10
Carmelito Son M W Age 5⁄12
Note after the death of Luisita,Felix Ortiz married Maria Gomisinda,Widow of Jacabo Griego;They had one son Carmel Ortiz.
41-46 Duran,S.Rafaelita Head F W Age 72 Widowed
Maximano Grand-Son M W Age 30 Single Laborer
Amadeo Grand-Son M W Age 7
Rafaelita Grand-Daugh F W Age 5
Clara Grand-Daugh F W Age 4
63-68 Duran,Roman Head M W Age 50 Married Farmer
R.Doloritas Wife F W Age 35 Married
Sirapio Son M W Age 22 Single Laborer
Deonisio Son M A Age 21 Single Laborer
Rosana Daughter F W Age 15 Single
Onesima Daughter F W Age 1
From the book "Taos Baptisms 1701-1852."By:Thomas D.Martinez. Page 157.
Pedro Luis Duran Baptised 12-17-1819,6 days old,Father Juan Jose Duran,Mother Juana Francisca Montoya.Pads:Jose Ramon Medina Y Maria Guadalupe Espinosa.
From the book "New Mexico Marriages San Miguel del Bado Church 12 Nov 1829 to 10 Nov 1878.Extracted By:Eloise Arellanes,Compiled By:Margaret Leonard Windham and Evelyn Lujan Baca.Published By The New Mexico Genealogical Society. Page 38,Microfilm Reel # 29 AASF,Frame # 757.22 Feb 1843 PEDRO LUIS DURAN,single son of Juan Jose Duran Y Juana Francisca Montoya marrying MARIA DOLORES TENORIO of this jurisdiction,single daughter of Luis Tenorio and Ana Maria Sanches.Wit:Jose Antonio Casaus,Miguel Blea and others.
From the book New Mexico Baptisms San Miguel Del Bado Church Vol II,12 May 1844 to 6 July 1853.Extracted by:Eloise Arellanes,Lila Armijo Pfeufer and Lorraine Bradford.Compiled By:Margaret Leonard Windham and Evelyn Lujan Baca.Published by the New Mexico Genealogical Society.
Page 14.Microfilm Reel # 11 AASF,Frame # 755  756.Duran Maria Consanciano Bapt 12 Dec 1844,Born 8 Dec,father Pedro Duran,Mother Dolores Tenorio;PGP:Juan Duran Y Juana Montolla;MGP:Luis Tenorio Y Ana Maria Sanches;Pads:Luis Tenorio Y Maria Antonia Tenorio.
Page 43,Microfilm Reel # 11 AASF.Frame # 875.Duran Jesus Maria Bapt 7 Feb 1846 Born 5 Feb.Pads:Francisco Ulivarri Y Apolonia Martin.
Page 153,Microfilm Reel # 12 AASF.Frame # 139.Duran Maria Barbara Bapt 4 Dec 1849,Born 3rd of Same.Pads:Manuel Saes Y Clementa Estrada.
Page 210,Microfilm Reel # 12 AASF.Frame # 320.Duran Maria Pectra Bapt 8 Nov 1851,Born 20 Oct.Pads:Julian Sanches Y Miquela Varela.


The Taos County Website last updated May 14 2023
Submittals and suggestions always welcome; email Thomas Bombaci, Jr.